About Me

Photo of Bruce Ballard

I was born in 1953 and lived in the New York suburbs until I was a freshman in high school, when my family moved to Mexico City for my father’s job. I became hooked on international travel, and during the four years I attended university in the USA, I worked summer jobs in Amsterdam and Kenya, then joined the Peace Corps when I graduated, spending three years teaching English and training teachers in rural South Korea. When I returned to New York after Peace Corps, I quickly finished my Master’s degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages at Columbia University, then returned to Korea for another two years. After that I completed my doctorate in Applied Linguistics at Columbia, then went to Japan for three years to serve as director of the Intensive English Program at a branch campus of Southern Illinois University in Niigata Prefecture. I finished my career doing two things: running a business writing program that entailed my traveling to about a dozen countries around the world to teach writing skills at Fortune 100 investment banks, and training teachers at the Bronx Charter School for Better Learning, where the students (grades K – 5), who lived in a poor district which typically underperformed on New York State’s annual tests in math and English, soon surpassed their peers in the wealthiest suburban towns.

Check out my blog!

Click below to jump over to my blog, Parking Suns. I started it in 2015, and soon became an official blogger for the World Parkinson’s Congress. You’ll find hundreds of blog posts on dozens of topics related to PD and other matters.

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